Sunday, December 19, 2021

 Can you discover the depths of God?

Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?

Job 11:7


Yesterday my wife and I attended a college graduation party for a young man. What’s special about this young man, he is autistic. For those who aren’t familiar with autism, it can be challenging for that person to interact with others and can bring a wide range of impairments. Sadly, many people with this condition, and their family members, put limits on their ability to function in society.


Thankfully, this young man was blessed with parents who saw no limits to his condition and continued to push and encourage him to develop. In addition, God placed certain people in his life to help him overcome some of the social challenges autistic people usually face. Through his trust in God and the support of family and friends, he attended college and obtained a degree. He is now ready and equipped to go out into the world and use his talents for the Lord. 


One thing I’ve learned in life, you can never put limits on God’s creation. He creates each person with a gift (1 Peter 4:10), that is part of God’s plan and will for His children. This gift is to be used to benefit others and honor God. Oftentimes God allows things in our life that seem restrictive, but in actuality are builders of our faith in what God can do beyond our capabilities. No doubt, this young man has done exactly that, overcome his limitations and has made his journey through life sweeter for him and those who’ve been a part of his life.


Maybe you have a condition that you feel limits your ability to benefit others. Put those negative thoughts aside and ask God to give you a new perspective on life. God has gifted you with special talents and abilities, nothing can hinder your successes when you put your faith and trust in your creator, the author and perfector of your faith! God bless!




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