Sunday, December 12, 2021

 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:27


If you’ve flown recently, you know the airports have restrictions on the size and weight of your luggage. Taking it even further, the quantity of liquids and items you can bring on a flight has restrictions. The few times I’ve flown, I’ve had to sacrifice some of the items I wanted to bring, just so I could board the plane and get to my destination.


As a child of God, you have to be prepared to sacrifice things and even people if you want to keep Jesus at the center point of your life. Possessions, hobbies, habits and people can weigh you down spiritually and hinder your walk with the Lord. I’ve had to do this in my life and its very painful and oftentimes comes at a cost. But, the rewards of my sacrifice far exceeded the benefits of holding onto something that I thought was good for me.


Take some time today to evaluate the things and people in your life. Ask God to help you filter out the excess so you can follow Him without unnecessary hindrances to your faith. God will fill the void with a closeness to Him like you’ve never experienced. What are you willing to sacrifice today? God bless!


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