Wednesday, December 15, 2021

 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have. Luke 24:39


As you go through life, people will hurt you emotionally and even physically. The result will leave emotional and physical scars that last a lifetime. In reality, they shape and mold your life into the person you are at this moment.  Sometimes these scars can define you, and change you for the good or bad.


Jesus body bares proof of His great love for mankind. The holes in His hands and feet was the proof it was Him, and His purpose in those marks was to bring forgiveness to everyone.


What emotional and physical scars do you bear from the painful circumstances that others have brought upon you? Have they shaped your life for the better or worse? Taking it a little deeper, have YOU forgiven your offender?


Oftentimes seeing the scars generate anger and even hate. Friend, your relationship in Christ is hindered when you allow those scars to take you places where Satan can mess with your mind, generating thoughts of revenge and despising the other person. Time to break those chains and forgive, and forget. Ask God to heal your heart, heal the brokenness so you can experience the freedom of joy and happiness in your life. Jesus bears the scars of His love for you, use your scars for the good and find freedom today through forgiveness!  

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