Wednesday, December 8, 2021

 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20


What tries your patience? For me, it’s bad drivers. It seems this town has a lot of reckless and rude drivers, speeding, following too closely and driving erratically. When I see this, my blood pressure rises and I can get very upset. In my moment of anger, I certainly do not produce the righteousness of God. Can you relate?


Today’s passage gives some advice on what to do when you encounter trials and things/people that really try your patience. Keeping calm in a heated argument can be a challenge, but its necessary to maintain your Christian witness.


How can you keep your calm? Start off by praying for that person or situation that God would intervene, so you can move on safely and with dignity without loosing your cool. Praying is like a relief valve, it helps to remove the pressure of the moment and takes your focus off of it and onto the Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith. Jesus is the perfect example of keeping calm, even when He faced persecution and the cross.


The next time you are about to blow up, turn to Jesus for help and He will give you that inner peace to deal with your anger and transform your heart after His! God bless!  


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