Tuesday, January 18, 2022

 A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart. Proverbs 18:2


Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and one of you battled to have the “last word”? In most situations, the “last word” is the flaming arrow which desires to hit the bullseye and defeat the other with strong words. If you really think about the last time you had a heated conversation, your mind probably tuned out the other person and your focus was more on what you wanted to say. Ouch! My toes are crunching!


Friend, God never intended for you to get the last word in. Today’s proverb should make you question your motives when talking with others. Do you listen to what they are saying? It takes a humbled spirit to withdraw from the soapbox and work to understand the words of others. When you do, you will become in tune with others around you and live in harmony, not frustration and always feel like you are at war with your words.


It's certainly ok to express your opinion, share your thoughts and even give advice. But make sure the dialog goes both ways by keeping your ears open to what they say, respond with understanding and always make sure your conversation seeks peace, not victory. Don’t be that “last word” kind of person, reflect the character of Christ and let Him have victory in all conversations. 

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