Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.


There is nothing like a church revival! The gathering of people, both Christian and non-Christian, to hear the word of God preached and many who open their heart and receive Jesus Christ. As a result, the church family’s bond is strengthened as the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of those present. When is the last time you attended a revival?


Today’s scripture comes from Luke 16:1-5, where a disciple named Timothy, joins Paul and Silas as they journey through Jerusalem, preaching the word of God. Every meeting they led, revival sparked the hearts of those in attendance and churches grew in size on a daily basis. Yes, daily basis. Can we say the same is occurring today across this country?


The answer to that question is no. Society has become spiritually complacent and it shows by the downward shift in morality and lack of church attendance. We as children of God, must resume revival on a daily basis, otherwise the mission to spread the gospel in our communities will cease.


So what can you do? Several things: Pray for your church and its family, especially the church leadership; satan does everything he can to weaken the bond of church members….they need your prayers of protection and strength. Invite someone to attend church with you; it wont grow if the outside world isn’t invited. Study up; read the bible and use a devotion(s) to guide your study, there is nothing more satisfying than understanding your Savior so you can model after His life. Finally, live the life God’s given you. The world is watching every believer and they need to see the hope you have in this troublesome world. Revival starts with YOU! Lets see the church grow again through revival of the church family. God bless!

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