Saturday, January 8, 2022

 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:17-18


Last night my wife and I decided to treat ourselves to a nice dinner by eating at Long Horns. As we walked in, I told my wife I wasn’t going to get stuffed on that delicious bread, then fill miserable the rest of the night. Well, I did pretty good, but instead filled my stomach with steak and shrimp and some amazing mac n cheese! Although I was pretty full, I wasn’t miserable and felt pretty good about not over eating.


So what does this story have to do with today’s verse? The thing I want to focus on is actually the second verse; what are you filled with? There are a lot of things in this world to fill the spaces of your life: hobbies, activities, food and beverages, pleasures society has to offer…..the list is endless. Just like food, whatever you take in, your body responds and it shows by how you live your life. Working out equals a healthy body, eating too many sweets equals overweight and the issues that accompany…get the picture?


As a child of God, you need to be careful how much of this world you take in. Being “spirit filled” equals a life that brings honor to God and as a result aligns you with His blessings and wisdom as you navigate through life. One thing I’ve learned, the less of God’s word I take in, the more space I leave open for Satan to whisper his lies, which can lead me down a path that is outside God’s will. Stop for a moment and re-read what I just wrote and think about that.


What are you filling into your mind, your heart and life? Stay in God’s word, pray frequently throughout the day and seek after God’s wisdom. As a child of God His Holy Spirit already resides inside of you, so seek after God’s library of spiritual wisdom. Your spiritual life will be more fruitful and bring blessings your way and into the lives of others! Be full of the spirit! God bless!

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