Monday, January 24, 2022

 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24:6


Before starting my devotional time, I skimmed the headlines of a news website and afterwards today’s verse came to mind. Right now, America is standing by and watching as several countries position themselves for war. Although we’ve tried to intercept and discourage conflicts, the intervention doesn’t look very successful. I could share the others news stories, but don’t want to depress you on this first day of the week!


Although the end of times has not arrived, I believe we are at the beginning of the end times and people need to get their lives right with God. As a Christian, your mission never ceases. You must continue to live out your faith and share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around you. With the internet, you can help support missionaries in the field, right from the comfort of your home. They need your financial support and most importantly, your prayers.  One mission that I support helps Christians who are persecuted, The Voice of the Martyrs.


For those who have never accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, I encourage you to do so without delay. There is only ONE way into Heaven, and that is through belief in Jesus Christ, confessing your sinfulness, asking for His forgiveness and accepting His payment for your sins. As a result of your confession, you will walk in obedience, as provided by God in the bible. Getting plugged into a local church will help you grow spiritually and provide a means to become baptized; a symbol of your confession of faith. Another way to grow is through reading a daily devotion. One I use is by In Touch Ministries.


Time is ticking, what are you waiting for? Your boarding pass out of this world will one day be called, are you ready?



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