Sunday, January 30, 2022

 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of the all. Psalm 34:19


Ever ask yourself why you encounter problems in life? It might be relationship issues, health issues, financial issues, employment issues…there is a whole lot of things that can work against you. Here in the past few months I have been dealing with a painful headache, and now I have a tooth giving me issues, all the while everything else in my world is needing my attention at work and home. It makes you ask, “why God?”.


I can tell you that during this time of struggles, my prayer life has stepped up its game, my thirst to read God’s word never seems to be quenched, all the while everything else doesn’t seem as important. God gave me a loving and caring wife who has completely extended herself to ensure my needs are met, resulting in a deeper love and appreciation for her. My desire to spend money on things, has shifted to an appreciation for what I have and how I need to better utilize the pleasantries God has blessed me. And finally, I have spent a precious weekend at home, resting and knocking out little things that have lingered for months.


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


God often allows the afflictions of life to redirect your focus on the bountiful blessings he has provided you and to steer your internal compass in the direction He has willed and purposed for your life. Never discredit what great things God is doing in your life as you face the challenges and struggles that come your way; healing and restoration is on the other side of the valley. God bless!

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