Friday, January 28, 2022

 Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be seared? So is he who goes in to his neighbors wife; whoever touches her shall not be innocent. Proverbs 6:27-29


You hear about it all the time. A man and woman commit adultery, by cheating on their spouses. Its usually the result of unmet needs in the relationship that drives one to seek pleasure outside the bonds of marriage. Its an easy trap to fall into and the results of adultery impact not only the two engaged, but their family members, children and friends.


For some reason, God has laid this concern on my heart and today I’m asking that if you are one who is caught up in this sin to reconsider your actions and turn away from the one whom you are finding pleasure. Finding pleasure outside your marriage is dangerous and will eventually bring negative consequences to your life and those around you. Not to mention, your walk with the Lord is hindered and prayers not heard.


Adultery is not the answer to your problems. Deep down I’m sure you have questioned your actions. Satan is good at manipulating your thoughts to make you actually believe your affair is beneficial and will give you 100 reasons to continue to cheat. But God gives one reason not to cheat and truth is, God has the final say.


Take time today to consider this wrongful path you are taking and know that it leads no where good. Ask God to help you break the bonds you’ve established and find His forgiveness and those you’ve hurt. Ask God to help you heal your heart and work on the problems you face with your spouse. There is a better way, and finding pleasure outside the home is not one of them. You owe it to yourself and God to walk a path pleasing to Him. Seek forgiveness today and avoid getting burned. God bless friend.



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