Sunday, January 2, 2022

 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4


After spending a good portion of my day in my workshop, I came inside and sat down to watch some college football with my wife. From inside the house, you could hear the wind blowing outside and it sounded like a strong storm was approaching. At some point, I realized I left my air conditioner plugged in, so outside I went to unplug it. As I walked to the building the wind blew even stronger and the darkness made it feel pretty creepy. I was glad to get back inside, protected from the wind and darkness of the night.


I share this brief story as an illustration that in life you will be at the forefront of a life storm. You know its coming, possibly a conflict with a family member, a health diagnosis you don’t want to hear, the lack of security in your job….the list is endless, but you know trouble is coming. Worry and fear can paralyze you mentally, even physically. The external conditions seem out of control and you feel totally helpless. Can you relate?


As a child of God, your fears and worries should be placed in the hands of Jesus. He is your personal shepherd and watches over you, day and night. He knows when trouble is coming and provides wisdom for the situation, and He filters out the weight of trouble so it’s more manageable. Your trust and faith in Him should give you the confidence and peace to walk into the storm knowing He is leading the way through it.


What challenge lies ahead of you today? Bring it to Jesus in prayer. Walk in faith as you follow His still, quiet voice of wisdom and protection. You are never alone; He will make a way for you through life, put your trust in Him!  


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