Saturday, January 29, 2022

 For whom the Lord loves, He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. Hebrews 12:6


As a child, you might have found it difficult to understand that your parent’s discipline was administered in the name of love. They cared enough about you to help mold you into a better person. The consequences of your wrongful actions brought punishment, for some it was severe. It might be difficult to reason the discipline you received, but it was present and thankfully you are still here today to talk about it. Hopefully it turned you into a God honoring person.


Sadly today, discipline in the home and even in our justice system appears to be lacking or out of whack (no pun intended). You see children completely out of control in public, all the while the parent stands there and does nothing. For some reason “spare the rod spoils the child” is not well understood. Our justice system has failed many times over by watering down discipline of wrong doers; as a result they have no incentive to change their ways and continue to commit crime.


“He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. Proverbs 13:24


Today’s passage above is clear, the Lord loves you and will chasten, or discipline you, when you do wrong. His administration of discipline is intended to bring you back into His will. It is a true sign of His love for you. God oftentimes uses the painful consequences of your wrongdoing to impart His discipline. It may cost you a day, or a lifetime, but honestly deserved because He loves you that much.


Accept His discipline as love and seek to correct your behavior through it. Life will become more seasoned and blessed by the lessons learned through His amazing love for you! God bless!


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