Sunday, January 16, 2022

 She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet. Proverbs 31:21


The south is expecting a rare encounter of snow. I seriously doubt it will come this far south (where we live), but its moving in this direction as I type. With the anticipation of snow, everyone, including myself, is eager to see if the white stuff will fall.


When I came home Friday afternoon, my wife said she had planned an overnight trip somewhere, further north from here. She still hasn’t revealed where, but I thought it funny with a winter storm coming, she wasn’t afraid to make plans to face it regardless of what it brings us.


I’ve got to say, that is my wife. She might not feel confident or strong, but deep down her faith is just that, grounded and trusting in the Lord. She has encountered many difficult storms in her life, yet she hasn’t let that slow her down, she keeps moving forward, trusting in the Lord to make a way.


I am so blessed to have her as my spouse. She is the human rock I needed in my life to keep me grounded in any storm that comes my way. My prayer is that everyone who reads this can find someone they can depend upon to help them through life. Make sure they have their feet firmly planted in the word of God and trust in Him. Everyone stay safe this weekend. God bless!

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