Friday, January 21, 2022

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. Philippians 4:6


One of the best things ever made was WD40. It’s a spray lubricant that can be used on anything that is difficult to open, unlock, turn, unscrew, break loose and helps minimize friction. For weeks now I’ve been using this vice to hold my pen blanks and the handle gets harder to turn the more I use it.  I finally grabbed my WD40 and gave it a spray and in no time the vice handle turned effortlessly. It makes a tough job easy.


As a child of God, I hope you actively pray on a daily basis. Communication with God is important if you want to stay aligned with His will for your life. If you are like me, you mention the difficulties you face during your prayer time. And it’s ok to let God know your struggles; but, do you insert some praise and thanksgiving with your request?


Today’s verse reminds Christians the importance of offering praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.  You could say that thanksgiving is the lubricant to your prayer request. Just like you and me, God likes to be recognized and honored. He deserves it, 100%! When you insert a few words of thanksgiving, you are saying that you trust God in how He will handle your situation and it lessens your anxiety because you’ve turned it over to Him. I always try to make as much effort to thank God and praise Him as I do with my request for help. I can personally tell you, there is a calming effect that comes over me when I do this, and it will work for you as well.


Want to struggle less with your prayer request? Insert words of praise and thanksgiving in your prayer time and experience the confidence of God’s ability to work out your situation in the best way possible. God bless!

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