Sunday, January 23, 2022

 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


Do you think if the disciples of Jesus Christ knew that their leader would be crucified and die that they would have begun their 7-year journey by following Him? Possibly not. If you read through the bible, you’ll sese there were many unpleasant things that happened around Jesus, yet He made a way through the heartache, disappointment and sadness to fulfill His purpose. The death of Lazarus showed the power of Jesus to restore life, the disciples encounter with stormy seas, yet God’s words calmed the waters, and the adulterous woman subject to death, yet Jesus put everyone on the same playing field and she was shown mercy.


Yesterday, my wife and I encountered two very unfair situations. One was the funeral of a young man who was living life to its fullest and everything stopped with his last breath. A family member who is always giving of herself, yet is suffering due to her body shutting down and death is eminent. As the preacher said at the young man’s funeral, “why God?”.


There are many bad things happening in the world right now and maybe you are victim of some personal tragedy or circumstance that is out of your control and totally unfair. These things can leave you asking, why God? All I can tell you is trust God. Leave the why to Him and let His perfect will have its way in your life. God knows your life’s journey and there is nothing you can do to stop, change or redirect your troubles.


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Your Savior is with you right now, ready and very capable of calming the troubled waters. Look to Him and not your troubles; ask Him to restore your faith so you can find rest in the One who has the best plan for your life and those around you. God bless!

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