Friday, January 14, 2022

 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. Matthew 5:30


Yesterday I had a meeting with my contractor who is working to improve a bike trail at my work. One issue they’ve been having is mudholes. Although they keep filling it with more dirt, it continues to remain full of water. During the meeting, we decided the best thing to remedy the water issue is to cut a ditch in at the mudholes, so the water will drain off, making it dry. The ditch won’t be appealing, but it will certainly resolve the issue.


How serious are you about removing sinful behaviors from your life? Jesus was pretty clear, in today’s verse, about how to remove sin. Although I don’t believe He intentionally meant to disable your body, yet He was serious in the fact that you must address the root issue of your sin so you can resolve it. It takes commitment to cut away places, people, things, and pleasures that entice sin, but it’s necessary if you continue in your pursuit of righteousness through the process of sanctification.


Make time today to evaluate the sins that you struggle with and look deep at the root cause. Once you’ve determined what initiates the sin, then prayerfully consider how you can remove the issue with God’s help. Walking in obedience takes a committed heart. The first step to righteousness is removing those stumbling blocks so you can walk freely with the Lord, bring honor to your Savior, and receive His blessings in the fulfillment of your spiritual journey! God bless!

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