Friday, January 7, 2022

 O Lord, I know the way of man is not himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. Jeremiah 10:23


Over the holiday break from work, my wife and I took a few day trips. One of those trips required use of my navigation system to get us to our intended destination. I first looked at a map to familiarize myself with the route and was prepared for the 2-hour drive. On our way, the navigation system routed us through some back roads, a lot of back roads, to the point I questioned if we were actually headed in the right direction. Finally, we got there, and actually cut 15 minutes off the intended drive time.


Have you ever questioned the path you are taking through life? Maybe it’s a job, new home purchase, or even a relationship. You have these thoughts of what it should be, yet what’s really happening isn’t going as planned. When this happens, you look for ways to change your direction or exit it completely to start over.


I can tell you it's much harder to change course when you are already headed in a certain direction. The best thing you can do is seek after Godly wisdom. He knows you’ll serve His purpose where you are, you just have to trust Him in your moment of doubt.


In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6


You might not be where you think you should be, but He has already planned your route and this is where you are at the moment. Engage in the Lord’s compass through prayer and reading His word for guidance and strength as you journey through unfamiliar territory. His plan for your life is to prosper you and mold you into His character. You’ll end up where planned, trust Him in the journey getting there! God bless!

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