Monday, January 3, 2022

 Be still, and know that I am God…Psalm 46:10


Leading up to my grandfather’s death in 1984, he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. His primary doctor happened to specialize in cardiology and provided the best care possible. He sent him to one of the finest heart surgeons in the country, but there was nothing he could do for my grandfather.


One night while he slept, my grandmother laid awake, worried about him. She watched as he took every breath. In the middle of the night, my grandmother heard God’s voice recite the verse “Be still, and know that I am God”. At that very moment a peace came about her as she knew Donald Baldridge was in God’s hands.  


There will be times in your life when you have a situation that is beyond your control. No matter how hard you try to manage it and your emotions, nothing changes the situation. Before all hopelessness sets in; be still and turn it over to God. Be reminded, He is your creator and knows you and your situation better than you do yourself. You might not understand the pain you are experiencing, but God does, and He will work on your behalf and show Himself through the situation that weighs heavy on your heart.


When life is beyond your control, find peace through stillness in God. He will make a way through this moment and bring comfort in the most painful times of life. Find peace for your restless heart today. God bless!

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