Thursday, May 12, 2022

 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12


How often do you recap all your mistakes you’ve made in life? All those times you made poor choices; as a result you hurt others, including yourself and especially your relationship with the Lord. Rethinking those past sins and mistakes will beat you down to the point where you don’t even feel worthy to pray, attend worship nor continue in your pursuit to live out the Christian faith. If this is you, I have some good news!


As a child of God, your sins are forgiven. You can go back and read the countless number of times God has forgiven His children. Jesus life of 33 years was a prime example of God’s grace and mercy. He oftentimes healed the sick, the ones caught in deliberate sin and each time He offered His forgiveness. Today’s verse is a prime example of His forgiveness, He removed your transgressions from you, as far as the east is to the west. That is a great span, so much so they are no longer on His radar and neither should they be yours.


Satan will do his best to make you feel your worst. Unfortunately, while living on planet earth, you are vulnerable to his lies. He oftentimes will remind you of your shortcomings to beat you down to that point of giving up on God. As hard as you try to live for God, satan is constantly telling you to give up, and throws up more of your past to rehash.


Whose keeping score? Not God! Remind yourself you are a child of God and your sins are in the past and far from you. Turn off the lies of satan. You are worthy to be in the presence of God, so much so, He lives in YOU through His Holy Spirit. God bless!


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