Monday, May 23, 2022

 These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:17


Good Monday morning! As I type this blog, its raining and raining hard….so blessed to have the rain as its been dry for weeks now. Like me, I’m sure you are getting ready for the day weather its going to work, enjoying a day off or lavishing in the glory of retirement. As you go into your day, I’m sure there are people whom you have a conflict with, who stir a bit of anger in your heart because of the way they live. Completely understandable in these times that people look out for themselves with no thought to anyone.


Today’s passage comes straight from the mouth of Jesus. As difficult as it might be, you are to love everyone. When you do, you put everyone on equal ground, which prevents you from be prejudice towards certain people, it keeps your mind focused on the positive and lets go of the hurts you’ve experienced, and most of all your loving others is an extension of God’s love for you. Just as Jesus wants His children to follow in His example, to love the people of this world.


If you struggle to love, ask God to help transform your heart after His. Seek after His wisdom through scripture, by reading about how Jesus showed grace and mercy to those who were opposed to Him, even while He hung on the cross. His love never stopped, and yours should be a continuance of that love if the world is to see Jesus Christ lived out in your life.


Loving others will only come by the power of the Holy Spirit living inside you. Draw upon that power, that strength, that grace to overlook those annoyances and love everyone the same! God bless!


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