Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13


You don’t have to read too far into the news these days to see the signs of evilness is all around us. Mass shootings, drunken drivers running over pedestrians and the war in Ukraine continues to destroy a country of innocent lives. The emotions of sadness, anger and fear stir amongst people, paralyzing the goodness of people.


Yet as Christians, we are to continue to do good. Last night my wife sat in on a virtual prayer session for a young boy who is struggling to survive after several surgeries. This lady prayed and prayed, and went on for a while. As I sat there, I felt her struggle, yet she continued in prayer. I admire her commitment to stay in prayer. I also read about a close friend who had delivered a care package to this family struggling as they watch their son fight for his life. That care package was an expression of love and concern, and it meant so much to that family.


I share these heartfelt stories to encourage you to not grow weary in doing good for those in need. Our busy schedules and stressful jobs can leave you wanting to retreat in the comforts of home without involving self in other’s problems. But, that is not what God expects of His children. We are to do good to those around us. By doing so, we share the love of Christ and He emboldens us to do good. When we bless others with our goodness, God in turn blesses us for our commitment through acts of service.


You probably know someone right now in need. Take that first step to help meet their needs. A simple prayer, asking God to show you that need is the first step towards service, then let God lead you as you extend His love to your fellow brother or sister. In a world of bad and evil, correct it with your acts of kindness and show them what God can do with a willing and loving heart. God bless!


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