Sunday, May 15, 2022

 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jeus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8


Yesterday I was visiting my eldest son and his sweet family. We were accompanied by my daughter and her children. It was an awesome day spent with family and grandkids. At one point I sat and read to several of them. I had just finished one book, when my 5 year old grandson picked up another book and said: “Pappa, we must read another book for it gives us knowledge.”


That little 5-year-old was dead on right! As Christians, we need to spend more time reading God’s word, the bible, to gain knowledge of Jesus Christ. Four chapters closely record Jesus’ life on planet earth and give us clear insight to the wisdom, character and thoughts of God Himself.


At the conclusion of most nights, I recount how much time I spend learning more about Christ and I find that time is very little in comparison to time spent pursuing other things on social media and what I watch on TV. The majority of things outside God’s word are simply junk and not worth remembering.


If you are reading today’s blog, I encourage you, and myself too, to put down the worthless information of the world and pick up the book of knowledge, the bible so you can grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, your Savior and friend. God bless!


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