Tuesday, May 17, 2022

 So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice to the Lord and took vows. Jonah 1:15-16


Have you ever gone through some significant event and found out later it actually benefited someone else? Maybe you were sick and God healed you, only to find that your lost sibling came to know the Lord. Today’s passage comes from the book of Jonah and the story of Jonah on the run from God’s instructions to go to Ninveveh and speak truth to its people. Jonah had no desire to put himself in that position, so he ran, got on a ship and found himself, and those onboard, in a horrific storm. Jonah knew God caused the storm so he instructed the men to throw him overboard. Once they did, the storm calmed. Can you imagine the thoughts of those men on that ship? It spoke volumes about the power of God. It changed their life.


Maybe you are going through something painful and you question God’s purpose. All you can do is trust that His plan will prevail, even if you don’t see the benefit from your perspective. God always uses the crises of life to help others. Your event might just be someone’s plan within your plan.  Trust God in everything you go through in life. Your faithfulness will be the story someone needs to see and hear to benefit their faith in Him. God bless!

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