Saturday, May 7, 2022

 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from him. Hosea 14:4


How bad have you messed up in life? Do you recall a time when you were living in deliberate sin? The result of your immoral behavior halted any of God’s blessings and you most likely suffered in some way. God allows us free will to either live in obedience or chose the opposite way. His suspension of blessings will come in the form of trouble and heartache. And the only one to blame is yourself.  


As a child of God, the most awesome thing is you have is a Father who is full of love for you and He wants to help you in your willingness to live the obedient life. Because there within the realm of moral behavior, you will find the heart of God, the sweet holiness of His Spirit living inside of you. This reverent life will yield many blessings and peace with God. Why would you want to live any other way?


Maybe you are paying for the consequences of your deliberate sins and drowning in heartache and shame. Come back to God with a heart seeking His forgiveness. He will welcome you back into the fold of His love when you willingly turn from sin and seek after Him. He will heal your brokenness and restore what’s been damaged. Come to Him today and find forgiveness and healing for your soul! God bless!  


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