Friday, May 13, 2022

 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5


In our bathroom is a night light that comes on any time it’s dark, which is pretty much all the time, except when we are in there with the lights on. Last night I took a moment to look around while in there and there wasn’t anyplace in that room that was dark. That little light shone bright enough to remove any darkness. And this got me thinking.


Looking back over my life, I can see times when I’ve gone through various difficulties and challenges that felt as if I was outside the view of God. I felt isolated and alone, wondering where to go and what I was going to do. It’s a helpless feeling that can last days, sometimes months. Yet, in those moments of darkness, I could still see the small light of Jesus coming through the difficulties and it helped me focus on the steps ahead, leading me away from hopelessness to His perfect way and blessings.


Where are you today in your life’s journey? Are you close to the Lord or have you found yourself out in the dark, looking for a way forward? Ask God to shine a glimmer of hope through His presence in your life so you can see the path forward, moving towards Him and away from the difficulties you’ve found yourself. He will do it and bless you for sustaining your faith, even in the midst of severe trials.


Nothing can overcome the light He provides. Push towards it, each and every day and you wont fall away from His grace and mercy. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. God bless!


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