Saturday, May 14, 2022

 Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies. Psalm 108:13


I don’t know if you believe in luck, either good or bad, but yesterday was Friday the 13th and it was one of the most challenging days I have experienced in a very long time. It seemed like everything and everyone was out of whack and each passing moment drained what energy I had in me. By the time I got home from work, I was depleted.


After taking a nap and taking a refreshing shower, I began to ponder the day’s battles and found that there were a few victories amongst the defeats. It was too easy though to focus on the negative to see the positives in the day. It ended well, as my wife and I enjoyed some great fellowship with a friend and today is a new day. Looking forward to visiting my son and his wife, along with my new grandson. It should be a very pleasing day.


As a child of God, you will encounter those days of heartache and painful trials that seem to zap the joy right out of your heart. Just know that through God, you have victory! These momentary pains you experience are nothing in comparison to the glory which shall be revealed in you (Romans 8:18). It’s the daily battles in life that help move you closer to the Lord through prayer and His Holy Spirit praying on your behalf (Romans 8:26).


Bad days will come, but don’t look at the battle scars, look for the victories God has set in place to help sustain you, moving through the day with hope for a better and brighter tomorrow. He has already won the battle for your soul, find hope through the victory He has provided you through Jesus Christ. God bless!


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