Wednesday, May 18, 2022

 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27


Visit any local hardware store and you’ll find more than a dozen riding lawn mowers on sale. The other day I was at a local Home Depot and the majority of the storefront was covered in mowers. There they sat, over priced and underutilized until someone purchased one and put it to good use.


Sadly, many Christians are like those mowers on sale at a hardware store. They are fancied up Christians, and everyone marvels at them, but until they do the work they were meant to do, they are simply for show. Today’s passage gives an insight to what a true Christian should be doing: serving others and keeping oneself “unspotted” from the world.


As a child of God, you were purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. God never intended for you to sit on the frontlines of this world, idle of His purpose for your life. He wants you to serve Him in some capacity. The fruits of your labor should be evident by what you do in your life.


Have you discovered your purpose, your talents and put them to good use? Pray to God, asking Him to reveal to you His will and plan for your life and then go serve Him with purpose.  You might feel inadequate at times, but don’t worry, He has the resources necessary to carry out His plan and will help you accomplish His plan. All He needs is your willingness to serve Him. Serve Him today and find God’s blessings in your acts of service and worship to Him. God bless!


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