Wednesday, May 4, 2022

 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6


There is a saying, “seeing is believing”. As humans, we have a hard time believing something unless we see it first hand. You might believe what a close friend or relative tells you, but those outside your circle of trust will have to show you proof of their words. The truth is, many have a difficult time seeing God, thus, they lack faith and belief in Him. This blindness has eternal consequences and sadly they will go to the grave without belief in their Creator.


How can you see God in your life? By seeking after Him through consistent prayer, bible study and keeping a watchful eye out for His inner-workings of your day. These tangible things will help build your faith and belief in Him. It takes some time and work, but He reveals Himself everyday through His responses to our prayer request and provisions. Trust me, they are there, if you will simply put your faith and trust in Him, you’ll see what a blessing looks like, you’ll see the results of prayers lifted up and you will feel His presence at times when needed the most.


If you struggle to see God in your life, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. There is evidence that He exists, just look at yourself and the makeup of your body….you didn’t just “happen”. God created you with a purpose, so grow your faith in His existence as you see His creation, His work, His love develop in you every day.  God bless!


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