Sunday, May 22, 2022

 God if faithful, by whom you were called into fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9


Everywhere you go, there are rules and laws to maintain order. From local ordinances in your city to laws of the land and rules for driving. You live in a country structured by rules and laws. Trying to live up to those standards can be a challenge for some who are simply just trying to live life to its fullest.


Unfortunately, formal religion has developed a set of standards and rules to maintain order, which is necessary for the function of the church, but it can be a roadblock to a deep and intimate relationship with God. Trying to live by those man-made rules and expectations can create this imaginary wall between you and God, making it seem impossible to come to Him with your feelings of unworthiness and life’s failures. That is NOT how God intended for His relationship to be with you.


“I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” Galatians 2:21


God wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with YOU. He created YOU in HIS image. Just like your children, you want a close relationship with them, nothing they do, or don’t do, will impact your love for them. Same is true with God.


Put aside all of those impossible expectations and simply love God and come to Him with all your being, good and bad. God has more grace to forgive and love you than you can offer Him good. His Son, Jesus Christ, opened the door for that relationship, freely walk in and commune with Him today! God bless!





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