Thursday, May 5, 2022

 When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7


I’ve said it and I’ve heard others say it…”It’s all good”. A quick response to the question asked, how we are doing? Today’s passage gives a little encouragement in saying when we are living right, even our enemies are at peace with us. I personally can attest to this scripture. When I’m living on the side of God’s favor, He blesses me with His Holy presence, creating a calm across the waters of my life. Those who I’ve butted heads, seem to have a quieter spirit. And life is all good.


Although you might like to take credit for the good times in your life, I think it wise to recognize the good times are really God working to bring peace, bless you with prosperity and provide rest for your weary soul. God does that for His children Matthew 11:28. So often though pride focusses on self when actually “It’s all God”.


Next time someone asks you how you are doing, instead of simply saying “it’s all good”, maybe respond “it’s all God”, so you can give credit where credit is due. By recognizing God’s goodness, you are sharing with others who is front and center in your life. Don’t be timid to recognize Him to others, I think you’ll find acknowledgement by others. Even on the most challenging days, I think it’s safe to say, “It’s all God”. He’s got you covered every day, all the time. Give Him credit always and you’ll find peace, even with your enemies. God bless!

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