Monday, May 30, 2022

 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


Happy Memorial Day everyone. This is the day we celebrate those who have fallen while fighting for the freedoms of America. Many have gone before you to defend your freedom to live in this country, unrestricted to worship God and carry on with your life. To those who’ve died for our freedom, I thank you and their families who continue to live on the legacy of our heroes.


The greatest freedom you and I have is in what Jesus Christ did over 2,000 years ago. As God’s Son, He made payment for your sins through His death on a Roman cross, then rose again to life 3 days later. His victory over death, opened the door to an unrestricted relationship with God. Accepting Jesus Christ into your life provides this freedom to come to Him, washed by the blood and forever secure in the Lambs Book of Life.


As you celebrate your freedom today, remember those who’ve fallen in battle, and thank God for His generous gift of eternal freedom through Jesus Christ. Never take these freedoms for granted and always be ready to give an account of your eternal freedom you have with those around you. God bless!


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