Monday, May 9, 2022

 “But the very hairs on your head area all numbered. Do not fear therefore; Luke 12:7


As a child of God, do you ever wonder if God is even concerned with your life, especially the little things you deal with on a daily basis? When you think about God, you probably have this image of someone huge and powerful, off in distant space, orchestrating the significant things of this universe. If these are your thoughts, you are probably not too far off.


Let me share something with you, He is concerned about every aspect of your life. He is God! He can orchestrate the happenings of the universe, all the while preparing you for that meeting in 10 minutes in which you have to give a powerful presentation and your nerves are on edge. He can do all that and accomplish everything else in every human being on this planet. He is that powerful and all knowing. He even knows the number of hairs on your head.


But I have called you friends. John 15:15


The best part is, Jesus calls His followers “friends”. A friend is closer to you than anyone and knows you on an intimate level. God knows you, He created you and with a purpose. Everything He does in your life is part of His plan to make you more like Jesus Christ. You actually hold the reins of how much you allow Him to work in your life. Letting go of those reigns gives him complete control, and He is One you can trust with your daily life, even that meeting you have in 10 minutes.


Give God this day, and every day, and He will guide your steps (Proverbs 16:7) in the right direction.


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