Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3


Ever wake up on a Saturday morning with thoughts of what you’ll do that day? Maybe it’s clean out the garage, or clean the house, do some yard work or trim the hedges. When you wake with a plan, you know what you are doing for the day and your focus is on accomplishing the task at hand.


Same is true with your relationship with God. He has a plan for your life and it’s up to you to focus on His plan and will for your life and work to accomplish the mission. It might be something as simple as helping at a local food kitchen for the day, or witnessing to a friend of co-worker. Trust me though when I say God has a task He wants you to engage in. He never intended for His followers to sit idle in their relationship with Him. It’s an active, living, breathing relationship that never ends and the blessings that follow your obedience is worth the effort you put forth.  


What has God called for you to focus on this week? Remain faithful in our commitment and don’t allow the outside distractions to disrupt what God has asked of you. Wake up with the mission on your mind and He will guide you through it, all the way to completion. God bless!

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