Monday, July 31, 2017

Jesus said..."However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.". Matthew 7:21

Ever had a need so deep that your spirit suffered like a man lost in the desert for weeks? Thirsty for answers, desiring resolution to your problem, Lord just send me some relief! Sound familiar? If you are living life, you will encounter times of great need for something, someone or healing. Calling upon the Lord is the first step in fulfilling a need or resolve an issue. You wait, and nothing happens. Frustrated, you begin to question if God is listening.

Read Matthew 7:14-21, it's the account of Jesus who healed a boy who suffered with epileptic seizures. This mother who presented Jesus with her son was desperate for help. His seizures made his body do harmful things...he was out of control and she was helpless and most likely hopeless at this moment. But, possibly this great healer could help her son. As you read the story Jesus did just that by rebuking the evil spirit within him. Jesus offered advice which is in today's verse. 
Prayer and fasting is the only way to bring resolution to a problem such as this boy's dire condition. 

Are you encountering a great need today? Maybe it's healing for yourself or a loved one? Maybe a wayward child needs God's intervention....the needs are many. Follow Jesus words of encouragement...Pray and fast. Pray with a fervent spirit and never cease. God isn't too busy to respond to your needs, yet He wants to see your faithfulness through prayer and self sacrafice by fasting. Keep praying friend, fast, have faith in God and never cease presenting your request before God. He will respond at the proper time.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

   For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6

Today friend I ask for your prayers. My family has to make a decision about the best care for my sweet grandmother. A Godly woman who has always taken the time to share her faith and wisdom with me and others. Time has weathered her body and just a little of her mind. Even at 98 years of age, she spills wisdom from her mouth every now and then. Moments in time I will treasure forever. 

The main source for her wisdom comes from God. He provides sound wisdom for every day life. His ways are perfect and His wisdom is greater than anyone on earth. To embrace His wisdom you don't need to always understand it, but have faith in knowing it's right. Godly wisdom at times doesn't make sense, yet it's important to follow in obedience and trust in His promises to protect us and be with us always. Pride oftentimes is the barrier to receiving God's wisdom and putting it into practice. 

As we make decisions today, led by God's wisdom, may our hearts be willing to receive His guidance without question, worry and doubt. He knows best and He sees beyond this moment. As our family puts trust in His wisdom, I encourage you to trust Him daily and keep an open ear to His guiding hand. He loves you and has His best in mind for your life. Trust His wisdom today! 
God bless.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in the will of God. Colossians 4:12
On one of my visits to a historic church in Georgia, I noticed the church building was leaning to one side. It almost looked like it was going to fall over. Then I looked inside to see they had installed 4 metal braces that held the church up and kept the building from eventually falling over and collapsing. 

Today's verse is a perfect example of a fellow believer in Christ supporting the body of Christ. Let's face it, as a child of God, we are on Satan's radar. He loves nothing more than to tempt God's children in hopes that they take the bait of sin and succumb to their weakness. That's why it's so so so important as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pray for one another. Prayers for others are like those steel braces that hold each Christian up in times of spiritual warfare. It keeps the body of Christ standing tall. 

From where you sit today, think about your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. They need YOUR prayers! Not one Christian is immune from Satan's attacks...including those who seem to be the most devout followers. I encourage you to pray for others...all through the day. And if God lays someone on your mind, STOP what you are doing and pray for them. We are all ONE body, together...let's support one another every day in prayer so we can stand tall for Christ in our homes, communities and church family. Pray for your brothers and sisters that brace of support. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

  A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 
Proverbs 18:24

The saying "blood is thicker than water" is a true statement for the most part. Family will always be by your side, no matter what happens in life. Friends are good to have, but nothing seals the relationship like a blood relative. 

As a child of God, you have been accepted into the family of God through Jesus Christ shed blood, on the cross for your sins. Nothing can remove your name from the family tree of Christ. God has provided you His Spirit, who resides with you every day of your human life and into eternity. He will never leave, nor forsake you! Because of His grace and provision, you can come to Him with every need, big or small. I can't tell you the number of times I see His hand work in all matters of my life, even the smallest thing He orchestrates to benefit and bless me. 

Maybe you've never considered Jesus a "blood relative", but He is. His blood covered your sin and cleaned you up so you can stand in His presence, forgiven of all trespasses. No matter your failures, He will never turn His back on you or leave you. He can't be moved, so stay close to Him every day and enjoy the benefits of having this special relationship with Him. He loves you and will always look out for your best interest. Praise Him for His goodness, you have a friend, a brother and a Savior in Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

There is nothing more refreshing than coming home to a quiet home and resting after a busy and stressful day at work. Something I always look forward to is sitting down in my recliner and just taking that load off my feet....and if my body needs a little rest, I find a nap in my moment of solitude.

Our daily walk through life has many challenges, struggles and disappointments. But, for the child of God, we can rest our worries and cares upon Him. He loves us and gives us those moments of spiritual refreshment to help sustain us for the next day. All He asks of us is we do our part in serving Him. He calls us daily to work out our faith with fear and trembling....working side by side with the Lord through our behavior, thoughts and witness. Everything we do, should be for the Lord's glory, not for others.  When we serve Him in this manner, our end product brings glory and honor to Him and sweet blessings to us.

If you are reading this blog, you haven't made it home yet. There is still much work left to do for God's kingdom. Work through the battles of everyday life knowing you have a Savior who works with you, side by side, and provides moments of refreshment along the way. Fight the good fight and keep the faith. You'll be home soon enough to rest in His Spirit! 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

 Also God said to him (Jacob): "I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you and kings shall come from your body. Genesis 35:11

In today's passage we see God having a specific conversation with Jacob. In the proceeding verse, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel, thus the starting point of God's chosen nation. He instructed Jacob and his descendants to multiply. From that moment, til today, we see this lineage's growth as the nation of Israel stands strong today. 

What message does God have for you? He created you in His image and has a plan and purpose for your life. Although a nation might not come from your life, He still desires you take an active role in the growth of His family of believers. The ability to hear His voice is only achieved when you are willing to trust Him completly and block out anything that hinders that line of communication. People, things, circumstances...alll of these things, and our selfish pride, can be a hinderance to hearing and receiving His specific instructions. 

Is God speaking to you? Carve out time, through out the day, to meditate and pray to God. Sit quietly after a few moments of prayer in anticipation He will speak. I often hear His voice inside my heart after a time of prayer on my knees....surrendering everything to Him. God doesn't make room for himself in our life, He only occupies the space we provide. The more space He has in your life, the better you'll hear Him. What's He saying to you today? Find Him by making room for Him inside your heart. 
Have a blessed day.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me. Psalm 50:15

Yesterday while out riding my motorcycle a tow truck passed he did, I noticed the mechanism to pick up a vehicle was in the shape of a cross. Wow, what a revelation. 

As a child of God, you have available His wrecker service 24/7. Ready to respond when broken down along the highway of life. Loss of a loved one, conflict with someone, a broken heart....its an endless list of spiritual breakdowns...they can sometimes occur on a daily basis. God promises to come to our rescue when we are spiritually disabled. He will come ready to fix your problems on the spot, or tow you to a safe place where He can work to restore you back to good. Regardless if it's a simple fix or major rebuild, trust Him with your troubles. 

If you are cruising the highway of life....good for you. But, if spiritual problems arise, and they will, call GOD, His help is one simple prayer and He responds the moment you call on delays with God! Call on Him the next time you are broken down on the highway of life and have confidence in His ability to make things right bless you and bring glory to Himself. 
Have an awesome and blessed day friend.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves, We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100:3

Great accomplishments only come around every so often. Special recognition at our place of employment, significant accomplishment at home, or a special relationship that reached a 25 year anniversary. Accomplishments in life are sweet and we tend to hang our hat on the hard work and dedication we put into the achievement. Congratulations is in order, but have you considered thanking God? 

As a child of God, He lives inside our heart. Even if we don't acknowledge Him, He is actively involved in every aspect of our life. Quietly working behind the scenes, He provides the wisdom to make right decisions, He supplies us with a greater love that sustains in those challenging years of marriage and He gives us the drive to see things to completion. As a child of God, He has you in His caring hands. He knows you better than you know yourself. 

Be sure to give God the recognition He deserves, especially in times of great personal achievement. You represent the body of Christ, put Him first in everything and together you can accomplish great things in life. Give God some praise today! Blessings friend.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Ah freedom! Freedom from restrictions and rules, freedom to do as one pleases. Freedom sounds amazing. If you live in the United States you have freedom to be you, unrestricted and in most cases without human  judgment. As I look around, I see these freedoms abused and just out right wrong when held to the morals and  standards this country was first founded.

Sadly, many people view the church and a relationship with God as restrictive and without much freedom to live the life they want. I can assure you friend, there is liberty in the Lord. When you accept Christ, you understand your weakness and vulnerability to sin. You realize that through Jesus Christ death on the cross and His pardon for your sin, you are no longer held in sin's captivity and eternal condemnation to Hell. Without Godly standards, you put yourself back in the chains of sin and darkness. Your life will become a chaotic mess if you want to partake in sinful pleasures of the world.  

Freedom from an eternity in Hell cost Jesus His life, 3 days later He rose from the dead, conquering death and the chains it binds an unbeliever.  Believe in Jesus Christ, accept His free gift of sin's pardon and walk in freedom knowing Heaven will be your home one day. Where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

And have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 
Ephesians 5:11

I'm sure you've noticed, while shopping for a certain item, you look down the Isle and there are many of the same product, just different manufacturers. Their packaging is made to catch your eye. But the real test is to read the label to see what's inside the attractive package. You might be surprised by what you see and make a wise decision to not purchase the product with hazardous or unhealthy ingredients. 

This world in which we live provides many pleasures, through relationships, activities, music and the list continues. For the child of God, it's necessary to read the labels of everything we allow in our life. Protecting our eyes, minds, bodies and spirit is the key to maintaining our purest witness. People, things, food and drinks may seem pleasureful, but will they cause you harm or damage your witness? Best advice I can give, is to screen everything through God. Ask Him to reveal things he blesses and expose the toxic things of this world to keep you spiritually clean and healthy for His service. 

What ever you pursue in life, screen it through God's holy filter. He knows what's best and wants you to live free from the chains that can bind your spirit and hinder His work in your life. Pray for wisdom and expose the truth, life will be more meaningful for you and those who are impacted by your witness. Have a blessed day.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

The greatest history text book is the bible. There are hundreds of stories about God's faithfulness for His people. David, Moses, Noah....the list is endless. Today's passage is one of many things Moses told the people of Israel. As they moved forward towards the "promised land", he told them God would be with them, protecting them and providing for their needs. All they had to do was trust Him. 

As a child of God, we have a promised land, Heaven. Between this moment and the time we enter His presence, is a life of challenges and trials that prepare us for each advancement towards that promised land. Sometimes victories and mountain top experiences await us, other times those valley experiences make us feel like we are wondering in the wilderness all alone. Fear not child of God, for He is with you in all occasions. Deuteronomy 31:8 says...."And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you.... we have the promise that God is not only with us, but He goes before us. He knows what lies ahead and gives you the resources to safely pass through the next mile of your journey. 

What are you facing today? Health issues, loss of a loved one, A life changing event might lie just around the corner. Do you trust God? You can. History shows us Moses words still reign true today as Israel has survived years of attacks and threats, yet God still shields her from the enemy. He will do the same for you. Trust Him with every mile...He knows what's ahead and He has the provisions you need for the journey ahead. Trust Him today and every day and walk in confidence towards that promised land. God bless.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Have you ever had "words" with the devil? There are times in life when it seems all hell is breaking lose and the devil is heaving troubles and chaos all around you. He uses people and circumstances to torment you to the point where you just want to give up. In your anger you yell at him to leave you alone. Friend, you are speaking to the wrong person. 

I've found in life when the devil comes at me with everything he's got, turning to God is the only protection from this spiritual battle greater than me. The devil can't come close to God, but we can. His power reaches out beyond our capabilities to battle the enemy. When we completly submit ourselves to God and ask for His help, He provides just enough strength and protection to help us through the satanic attack. 

How do we submit? The most important thing is to walk in obedience. God blesses obedience and when we walk closely with Him every day, the devil can't touch us. Yes, he may put something across our path to make us stumble, but God will help us step safely over when we hold tightly to His hand. When life is good, we seem to let go of God's hand and run ahead of Him....leaving us vulnerable to satan's attack. 

Trust God, obey God and walk closely with Him every day and the devil doesn't stand a chance. Maybe you are feeling the whiles of Satan. Stop and pray for God's help, clean up your act and remove anything that resembles "darkness" from your life and watch as God power disolves the satanic attacks that have come against you. God is the Victor in life, only when we walk closely with Him will we see more victories and fewer defeats. Have a blessed day friend.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost. 

The Apostle Paul spent much time traveling to different cities, spreading the message of Jesus Christ. In his travels, he longed to be in one city by a certain date to celebrate the important religious holiday of Pentecost. He knew that to arrive on time, he would have to forgo visiting certain areas so his timing would be dead on. 

In your daily life, do you put aside your personal agenda to be dead on time for special days of worship with the Lord? Do you look forward to Sundays and Wednesdays, when you can come freely to worship the Savior, the one who saved you from eternity in hell? Life and it's busy schedule can be a stumbling block to those special moments with God....make time for the Lord. He stepped off the throne in Heaven to spend time on earth to prepare a special life for you and every believer. 

What are you willing to sacrifice, this Wednesday,  to spend time with Him in prayer and worship? Consider all He gave up for you....nothing in this day's agenda is more important than worshiping God. Make time for Jesus every day and find blessings in your personal sacrafices. See you at chuch this evening friend. 
God bless.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Then He (Jesus) came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said "Young man, I say to you, arise.". So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.
Luke 7:14-15

The pastor of the church I attended Sunday shared this story in his message. One thing the pastor said that stuck with me...."everywhere you read in the bible, no one stayed dead when Jesus came around". From bringing to life this boy who was the son of a widow to Lazarus and even Jesus one stays dead when Jesus comes around. 

Maybe you've heard about God and Jesus but not sure what the hype is all about. People going to church on Sunday may seem like a waste of time to you, but it's important to the life of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Without having Jesus come around in your life, you are spiritually dead. And because you haven't called Jesus your way, Hell will be your eternal home. I know that sounds pretty bold to say, but it's truth. 

"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.". Romans 10:9. Trust me friend, Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Nothing you can do on your own will earn you enough good to go to heaven when you die. Pick up a bible and read it, start in the book of Romans, and learn about Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross to forgive you of your sins. He wants to bring life to your dead spirit, call on Him today and come to life in Christ. Life is better when your spirit is alive in Christ. God bless!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases. 
Song of Solomon 2:7b 

There is nothing I enjoy more than a delicious cake or bread. I've made both in my years of cooking and one thing I learned....dont leave out one single ingredient. If you miss a step in the cooking process, your baked treat will either be a flop or not taste as good as it should. Always take your time and follow the instructions closely. 

The same wisdom can be applied to relationships. From the beginning of time, God created man and woman to have a relationship with one another. He has a plan and purpose for every relationship that forms. During the process of two becoming connected, He slowly develops the relationship through conversations, experiences and often times stirs up the relationship ingredients to bring about consistency in the mix.

 One thing He needs from us is  NOT get in a hurry in the development of the relationship. If you hurry through the process, especially at the beginning, you might miss a special ingredient God is trying to place in your relationship to grow you or show you the way forward. As scripture says not stir up love til the proper time. 

Maybe you have just started a new relationship or in the process of getting to know someone. Put God at the center of your mixture and allow Him the opportunity to reveal truths about the other person and be open to His hand working through the mix. He knows what's best and His plan for your union might be temporary or long term. But without staying in step with Him, the outcome could be a flop. Remember, God has a plan and purpose for every aspect of your life, live by His timing and everything in life will be sweet. God bless.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2

One of the most important things to have while hiking is water. As you hike, you expire moisture from your body. Unless you take breaks to drink and stay hydrated, your muscles become weak and other body organs don't function very well. As I hike, I sometimes get in a hurry and don't take those nourishing breaks, then after a while it hits me...exhaustion and my body makes me stop. 

As a child of God,  journeying through life, it's so important to stay hydrated in the Lord. Starting each morning with a full cup God's Gatorade...reading His word, and mentally preparing your journey with prayer time. Throughout the day, you should stop and acknowldge God and seek His refreshing face....for the daily journey can be discouraging and you need encouragement often. Without taking those spiritual breaks, your day will seem more tiresome and exhaustion will hit...halting you before the day is over.

Stay hydrated with God, every day, throughout the day and find your mountain top experience come easier than doing it alone. Seek Him out today! God bless.  

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Psalm 51:12

One thing I enjoy is researching things on the Internet. Here lately I have developed a passion in historic churches. While surfing I click links that take me to the next page....sometimes the link is a dead or has useless information....thankfully the "back" button returns me to the home page.

God is like that "back" button. Sometimes we take our spiritual journey down dead end paths with little or no benefit. Sometimes those journeys navigate our spiritual life into dangerous territory that  cause us undue pain and suffering, even regret. As David called out to God, in today's scripture, God answered His prayer and took Him back into His good graces. David made many mistakes in life...painful, miserable mistakes that even caused death to other people. After walking down the wrong path and making poor choices, the Spirit of God convicted him, and he was able to ask for forgiveness and restoration. 

God is in the "back" business. He wants us back in His graces. Where are you here and now? Are you walking on the right path, or has your selfish and prideful ways moved you away from God and you are heading for a spiritual wreck? Call out to God and He will restore your life and spirit. He promises to answer you..."ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you...Matthew 7:7. Hit the back button of your life and go back to the home front of God. He is ready to receive you! Blessings friend.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The works of the Lord are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them. Psalm 111:2

An earthly relationship can be exciting, especially when you first meet someone. For hours you bombard the other person with questions about themselves, and you share your life's story. As the days turn to weeks, weeks to months and months to years, you learn every aspect of that person. Eventually you can read them without asking questions. 

This same format for an earthy relationship, should be the same for us with understanding God. He already knows everything about you and wants to reveal Himself to you through prayer, bible study and lengthy periods of quiet times....just you and God, allowing Him to speak to your heart. Trust me friend, He speaks loud and clear these days, you just have to clear the noise clutter to hear Him. He won't compete with things you've alowed to clutter your life. He wants to be your everything. 

We have plenty to praise Him for; have you studied Him enough to know Him on a deep, personal level? It's not as difficult as you think. Put Him first with a desire to learn Him, and He will show you awesome things, give you unlimited wisdom and His presence will be nothing like you can find on earth. Give Him a chance to reveal Himself on a deeper level and find joy unspeakable.
God bless!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

After Jesus was taken up to Heaven, the disciples stood and looked toward Heaven when two angels stood by them and said "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into Heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven. Acts 1:11

Over 2,000 years ago, our Savior Jesus Christ accomplished His purpose on earth and ascended into Heaven, leaving us with His Holy Spirit. His Spirit which lives on in every child of God. The power of Christ is available 24/7,  ready for action to continue the purpose of Christ, to save the lost. 

Are you a child of God? If so, you have a purpose and that is to share the message of Jesus Christ. He has already provided you the necessary tools to accomplish His mission through you....are you enacting out His work or are you standing, looking outward, waiting for something to happen? Far too often, we get in this "zoned out" phase where our spiritual vessel gets knocked out of gear and we sit in neutral. God did not call us to walk by faith without works. The two go together....because of our faith in Christ, we believe and know what we need to do....lets do it. 

Take a few minutes and think about where you are going today and rest of this can you reach out to the lost by simply sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others? Opportunities abound if you think about it. I carry with me some bible tracts and hand out to people I meet and share a few words with them. Planting seeds of faith is all we need to do, leave the watering to Jesus...he knows what each person needs to blosom into a beautiful child of the living Savior. Put on your boots and let's get to work for Christ. Go out and tell someone today!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. 
Psalm 111:10

One year ago today I began this blog. Over the year, God has shown me much scripture, provided me wisdom and words to say and most of all taught me things I needed to grow in wisdom. Even times when I wasn't walking in His will, He provided the words through me to write and share His insights. I trust and pray these daily blogs have helped you in your spiritual journey. 

As today's scripture says, fear of the Lord brings wisdom. Not a frightening fear, but of respect for Him and trusting Him in every area of our life. As we yield more and more of our selfish ways to His, He opens our minds to increase wisdom and provide direction for our life. The end result, His plan is enacted through your life and blessings are yielded for your obedience. I can't think of a more wiser person than God, the creator of everything. 

Where are you in your level of spiritual wisdom? Does it seem to be lacking? Pray and ask God to show you His will for your life, yield up anything He shows you is out of bounds, read and study His word, then watch your life begin to reflect more of Him every day.  He blesses the obedient child of God. Pray, read, yield and walk ever so closely with Him and find wisdom grow daily. 
Have a blessed day friend.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Psalm 23:1


The Lord’s Prayer. For the child of God, its been repeated over and over again, but do we truly believe it? The first line of the prayer says it all for the Christian. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. A shepherd watches over his flock of sheep. He meets their every need and is willing to risk his life to protect the herd under his care. Nothing goes unnoticed by the shepherd. When he sees a sick lamb, he tends to its needs. Well fed, protected and nourished, the herd of sheep thrive.


God is our shepherd. He provides everything we need in this earthly life to thrive and be productive for Him. He sacrificed His only son, Jesus Christ, to pay for your and my sin debt, AND opened the gate of worship between us and God himself. Nothing stands in the way of our communion with Him. We have no further to look than within our heart, where the Holy Spirit resides. We carry around the Shepherd with us 24/7. He sees your every need and fulfills each one with his special blessings. No need goes unmet.


Do you have any unmet needs? If you believe you do, maybe you need to ask yourself if its God’s will. Our Shepherd supplies just what we need to thrive. Anything outside His will is not necessary….if it was, He would meet that specific need. Learn to live within the confines of His resources…HE has already promised to meet your needs. Trust Him and thank Him for His awesome blessings every day! He is already working on meeting your needs for tomorrow. God bless!

Monday, July 10, 2017

You are My friends if you do whatever I command you."
John 15:14

The old saying...."this is my ball and we will play by my rules" lays out the foundation of how that game will be played. Although you may disagree, if you want to play the game, you have to abide by that person's rules. 

Jesus told His disciples that they are considered His friends if they obey all He commanded. Jesus makes that very statement plain to us...if we obey Him, we are called His friends. He doesn't try to control us, He leaves it up to us whether to follow Him or not. 

Jesus standards for living are always right, safe and there to protect us from getting caught up in the snares of satan's sin trap. His ways comfort us, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29. 

The question for today, are you a friend of Jesus Christ? He loves you and has a perfect plan for your life. You learn from Him through prayer and bible reading. His Holy Spirit (who resides inside you) guides you every day, convicts you when you've failed to obey and provides wisdom for every day life. Follow His lead and you will never go wrong in life. Are you His friend? 
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

   "And go, get to the captives, to the children of your people, and speak to them and tell them. "Thus says the Lord God, whether they hear, or whether they refuse."
Ezekiel 3:11

As a child of God, you are called to "go" and share the good news of Jesus Christ to those held captive in their sin and unforgiving spirit. Bound in blindness, by Satan, they can't see the truth of Jesus redeeming gift of salvation. But, they can hear your words and see your goodness through actions and deeds. 

As you go through this week, look for opportunities to share the freedom you've found in Christ. It's one simple, yet powerful message. Don't let anything hold you back. The very one you see in front of you was possibly placed there by God so you can show them the way to eternal freedom. Never discredit a moment to save the lost. Yes, they could reject you....and that's planted the seed....let God water it for the next opportunity to hear the message of freedom again. The average person hears this message 7 times before accepting Christ. Be a part of those 7 opportunities. Share the word of Jesus Christ and save the lost from satan's captivity. It's what you are called to do...share the message this week. God bless.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.... 1 Corinthians 13:12

Ever look into a mirror and see something you don't like? Maybe your having a bad hair day, a facial blemish stands out or you just look tired and worn out from the stresses of life. A mirror reflects back what we perceive is not good. But the truth be known, no one will probably notice those imperfections so don't let it discourage you from heading out the door to meet the world. 

As a child of God, we sometimes look over our fleshly imperfections and get so discouraged. Maybe it's a battle with a certain habit, wrong attitude or lack of trust in God. These imperfections can be amplified by Satan as he tries to discourage you and make you feel worthless in the eyes of Jesus. Friend, don't listen to the father of lies. As a child of God, He sees you as one of His own. He loves and desires to forgive you and bless you daily. His love and grace has a way of bringing joy and fulfillment in His children if we simply accept and trust Him to use us...even when we don't feel worthy of His calling. 

Don't look into your spiritual mirror, look into the eyes of Jesus Christ. When you do, you see a love so unexplainable....almost impossible for human understanding...yet it's full of grace and forgiveness. His hand reaches out to hold yours....grasp it every morning as you get out of bed and DONT let go all day! He's looking at you, are you looking at Him, face to face? 
Have a blessed day!

Friday, July 7, 2017

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26

At the age of 15, I took Drivers Education in High School. Back in the day, the school system found it beneficial to make sure everyone had proper training in how to they leave that up to the child...which is why it seems no one can drive proper these days..rant over, back to my blog. 

As part of our training, we had to drive with our instructor for so many hours. On his side of the car, was a brake pedal. He would use it to stop the vehicle if the student was about to make a wrong move. He used it once on me as I was about to pull out onto a busy highway and a car was approaching too close for me to make it safely out into my lane. A little embarassed, but I learned to be patient at intersections and go when safe. 

As a child of God, you have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of you. He is like that drivers education teacher. He is there by your side helping you navigate life in the proper order. He will apply the brakes when you need to learn something important. It's always important to put aside your personal agenda and listen to His voice of reason. He wants to ensure you go through life safely and bring glory and honor to Him. When you make wrong choices, His Spirit will apply the brakes and speak to you through various circumstances. Listen and follow His adivice.

How can we hear His voice? Through prayer, conversing with Him about everything. A praying child of God keeps the line of communication open. When you stop praying, it's like hanging up the won't hear Him. The Spirit is right there beside you and wants to give you all the advice you need....are you listening?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

   "As for you also, Because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stonghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. 
Zechariah 9:11-12 

I recall years ago we had a small fire in our home. After the fire department put out the fire, we had a mess and had to live somewhere else temporarily while construction workers basically remodeled 1/4 of our house. From new paint, flooring, carpet and fixtures....once completed we had what seemed like a new home. Those rooms were out dated and this tragic event brought about something better than we could have asked for at that time. 

Our journey with the Lord is often the same. There are things in life that we must surrender if we want to live by God's standards. So many delightful pleasures that abound these days, but for the the discerning child of God, they know the limits of their pursuits and often refrain themselves from putting their trust in things that lead to temptation and sin. The benefits of living a discerning life keep the child of God pure and weight free of sin's strong gravity...pulling you down.  

Are you faced with things in life that you know are outside of God's will? Burn them. Even if you are temporarily displaced, it's better to let go of the things seen, and look forward to the unseen rewards that await you in Heaven. I assure you, those rewards in Heaven are double and more pleasureful than anything this sinful world can provide. Put your faith and stronghold in the Lord. 
God bless!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

God has a plan and purpose for each child of God. Like a machine that has many parts, you are one of God's many moving parts that works together, with other believers, to accomplish the Lord's will. You may feel insignificant in the big scheme of things, but trust me...without your active participation, spiritual production will be minimal at best. 

How do you keep the spiritual production working properly? By keeping yourself well maintained. Today's scripture talks about renewing your mind in Christ. When you allow worldly things in your life, they diminish your testimony, weaken your faith which could lead to part failure. Don't be the broken part that has to be replaced! Stay in tune with God and well maintained by filtering out impurities, read God's word daily....throughout the day, and make time to pray often. Unless you keep your life free from rust and decay, you will eventually halt God's production of saving souls and ministering in your local community. 

How about your life well maintained and actively working for the Lord? Ask God to give you wisdom to keep that brain and heart free of the world so you can perform effectively for Him. He has a plan and purpose for your life, do it well my friend and never stop working for the Lord. God bless.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

  "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be freed indeed." John 8:36

Since the discovery of North America, thousands of "sons" have given their life to defend the freedoms we have in the United States of America. If you are a citizen of this country, you are blessed. Take a moment and remember those who have sacrificed their all so you can live freely. 

There is another freedom sought after;  sadly so many people are still bound in slavery to sin and have never experienced this freedom to live a full and enriching life here in the US and abroad. Jesus Christ represented mankind's sins on Calvary. He died so you and I can have true freedom, knowing that our eternal home will be in Heaven one day. But more than that, God provides His Holy Spirit to every believer, to sustain them through this earthly life. Hope for every tomorrow is only through acceptance of Jesus Christ. 

Have you found true freedom in Jesus Christ? If not, call on Him today. It's nothing you can do on your own. It's believing, accepting and turning from sin that sets you free indeed. Live life eternally free from the bondage of this sinful world and find true happiness and peace in the Lord. Happy Independence Day friends!

Monday, July 3, 2017

But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Luke 6:35

Day 3 and God has led me to continue to write about love. Today's passage probably doesn't apply to many of you....Jesus says to love your enemies. If you have any enemies, raise your hand. Lol...if we were all in a room, most likely everyone would have their hand raised. 

At some point in life, you will have an enemy. It could be a co-worker, neighbor, even a relative....or soon to be ex-spouse. Somewhere in time you will be mistreated by someone else along with being disliked or hated. If you are like me, it grieves you to know someone is ill at you. And yet, behind your back, they do or say things in hopes of bringing discomfort or destroy your reputation just to make life difficult. Jesus says to love them. Wow...heavy load isn't it? I'm quickly reminded how Jesus hung on the cross to die for your and my sins. We were an enemy of God by our unrighteousness. He still loved people, as He hung on the cross, inspite of insults and poking by the guards He asked His Heavenly Father to forgive them. That's love. 

Is there someone in your life causing you persecution? You might not be hanging on a cross, but life is uncomfortable as a result of your enemy's behavior. Love them, pray for them and ask God to sustain you during the difficult times brought on by your enemies. God wants you to display Christ love to everyone. It's called "suffering" for the Lord. Never stop loving anyone, even your enemies. God has a plan and your love holds that plan in tact. Don't question God, just trust Him. He will sustain you and supply the love you need, even for the most vile of enemies. God bless.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2

Yesterday I talked about love and how it binds all the attributes of Christ so others can see Christ in us. Today's verse reinforces the action to "walk in love". When I read that passage, I think about Jesus walking from one city to the next. Everywhere He went, He addressed the crowds, healed the sick and pardoned the guilty. 

Are you walking like Christ? Reaching out to the needy, giving Godly advice to those hungry for His word and forgiving those who trespass against you? If not, you need to examine your relationship with your Savior. Jesus doesn't call for us to walk portions of the journey with Him. He requires your every step to be in line with His. Through prayer, daily bible reading and a willing spirit to surrender your ways for will have a stride similar to Christ. 

Be a sweet aroma to others as you go out each day into the world. They need a Savior and you can be the example of Christ's love to them. Walk in love and your stride will be right for the Lord. God bless.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 
Colossians 3:14

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit a furniture store. Looking over bedroom suits, the salesman was showing me the quality of these drawers and how well they were constructed. Well supported underneath with special bracing and put together with dovetail joints. But the one thing that held it all together was this special wood glue. Without it, something would eventually loosen and give way, making the drawer fall apart. 

Today's verse talks about love and it's power to hold everything together. When a person is full of love, they easily forgive, they respond to other's needs, they find peace instead of anger or frustration and most of all they have a way of supporting friends and family members in times of crises when everyone else has left the scene. I think of Christ's love for you and me, in how He surrendered His all to allow us the opportunity to come before God, washed clean by His blood. Love is a powerful thing. Without love, we would not have this special bond with our creator. 

How is your heart? Is it full of love or full of worldly emotions and stained as a result of sinful living? Ask God to cleanse your heart of anything impure, weather it be sin or negative emotions, and fill your heart and mind with love so you can be that glue that holds everything together in your life. Love is the only thing that covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Find love in Christ, read about His love in God's word and show the world a true example of His love to a world lost in its ways. God, help me to have a heart of love so I can be a reflection of you. 
Have a blessed day!