Monday, July 3, 2017

But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Luke 6:35

Day 3 and God has led me to continue to write about love. Today's passage probably doesn't apply to many of you....Jesus says to love your enemies. If you have any enemies, raise your hand. Lol...if we were all in a room, most likely everyone would have their hand raised. 

At some point in life, you will have an enemy. It could be a co-worker, neighbor, even a relative....or soon to be ex-spouse. Somewhere in time you will be mistreated by someone else along with being disliked or hated. If you are like me, it grieves you to know someone is ill at you. And yet, behind your back, they do or say things in hopes of bringing discomfort or destroy your reputation just to make life difficult. Jesus says to love them. Wow...heavy load isn't it? I'm quickly reminded how Jesus hung on the cross to die for your and my sins. We were an enemy of God by our unrighteousness. He still loved people, as He hung on the cross, inspite of insults and poking by the guards He asked His Heavenly Father to forgive them. That's love. 

Is there someone in your life causing you persecution? You might not be hanging on a cross, but life is uncomfortable as a result of your enemy's behavior. Love them, pray for them and ask God to sustain you during the difficult times brought on by your enemies. God wants you to display Christ love to everyone. It's called "suffering" for the Lord. Never stop loving anyone, even your enemies. God has a plan and your love holds that plan in tact. Don't question God, just trust Him. He will sustain you and supply the love you need, even for the most vile of enemies. God bless.

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