Friday, July 14, 2017

The works of the Lord are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them. Psalm 111:2

An earthly relationship can be exciting, especially when you first meet someone. For hours you bombard the other person with questions about themselves, and you share your life's story. As the days turn to weeks, weeks to months and months to years, you learn every aspect of that person. Eventually you can read them without asking questions. 

This same format for an earthy relationship, should be the same for us with understanding God. He already knows everything about you and wants to reveal Himself to you through prayer, bible study and lengthy periods of quiet times....just you and God, allowing Him to speak to your heart. Trust me friend, He speaks loud and clear these days, you just have to clear the noise clutter to hear Him. He won't compete with things you've alowed to clutter your life. He wants to be your everything. 

We have plenty to praise Him for; have you studied Him enough to know Him on a deep, personal level? It's not as difficult as you think. Put Him first with a desire to learn Him, and He will show you awesome things, give you unlimited wisdom and His presence will be nothing like you can find on earth. Give Him a chance to reveal Himself on a deeper level and find joy unspeakable.
God bless!

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