Friday, July 7, 2017

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26

At the age of 15, I took Drivers Education in High School. Back in the day, the school system found it beneficial to make sure everyone had proper training in how to they leave that up to the child...which is why it seems no one can drive proper these days..rant over, back to my blog. 

As part of our training, we had to drive with our instructor for so many hours. On his side of the car, was a brake pedal. He would use it to stop the vehicle if the student was about to make a wrong move. He used it once on me as I was about to pull out onto a busy highway and a car was approaching too close for me to make it safely out into my lane. A little embarassed, but I learned to be patient at intersections and go when safe. 

As a child of God, you have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of you. He is like that drivers education teacher. He is there by your side helping you navigate life in the proper order. He will apply the brakes when you need to learn something important. It's always important to put aside your personal agenda and listen to His voice of reason. He wants to ensure you go through life safely and bring glory and honor to Him. When you make wrong choices, His Spirit will apply the brakes and speak to you through various circumstances. Listen and follow His adivice.

How can we hear His voice? Through prayer, conversing with Him about everything. A praying child of God keeps the line of communication open. When you stop praying, it's like hanging up the won't hear Him. The Spirit is right there beside you and wants to give you all the advice you need....are you listening?

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