Monday, July 31, 2017

Jesus said..."However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.". Matthew 7:21

Ever had a need so deep that your spirit suffered like a man lost in the desert for weeks? Thirsty for answers, desiring resolution to your problem, Lord just send me some relief! Sound familiar? If you are living life, you will encounter times of great need for something, someone or healing. Calling upon the Lord is the first step in fulfilling a need or resolve an issue. You wait, and nothing happens. Frustrated, you begin to question if God is listening.

Read Matthew 7:14-21, it's the account of Jesus who healed a boy who suffered with epileptic seizures. This mother who presented Jesus with her son was desperate for help. His seizures made his body do harmful things...he was out of control and she was helpless and most likely hopeless at this moment. But, possibly this great healer could help her son. As you read the story Jesus did just that by rebuking the evil spirit within him. Jesus offered advice which is in today's verse. 
Prayer and fasting is the only way to bring resolution to a problem such as this boy's dire condition. 

Are you encountering a great need today? Maybe it's healing for yourself or a loved one? Maybe a wayward child needs God's intervention....the needs are many. Follow Jesus words of encouragement...Pray and fast. Pray with a fervent spirit and never cease. God isn't too busy to respond to your needs, yet He wants to see your faithfulness through prayer and self sacrafice by fasting. Keep praying friend, fast, have faith in God and never cease presenting your request before God. He will respond at the proper time.

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