Tuesday, August 1, 2017

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Psalm 18:30

 Ever cut grass, trying to cut in a straight line, only to look back and see how crooked your line was? I've done that on several occasions and the bad part is those lines in the grass take time to grow and make the crooked path disappear. 

Walking a straight and forward path in our Christian journey can be just as challenging. Things along the way distract us, looking to the right or left....even behind us, we veer off course. When we pause for a moment to look behind us, whew...we see such a mess of our life, and realize this mess will be obvious to us and maybe others for a while. Embarrased, ashamed and feelings of guilt overwhelm our spirit. How can we continually walk in a straight line as Christians? 

Focusing on a fixed object and heading in that same direction will ensure a straight line. God's word is the very thing that should be centered in our life to provide direction to keep us heading in a straight line. When we put the book down, we take our focus off where we are heading and find ourselves with crooked paths and a spiritual mess. Stay in the word daily and never loose sight of God's instructions for life. They are sound, right and will keep you safe as you journey through life. God bless friends.

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