Tuesday, August 8, 2017

     "Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, And they shall come back from the land of the enemy.
Jeremiah 31:16

Some of the most troubling times in life come when those we love get "off course", headed in the wrong direction. Their failure to conform to the right way of life, brings painful times of grief and worry. You do all you can to help "right their wrong", but your attempts are futile. Completely drained physically, mentally and spiritually, you drop to your knees and call upon God for help. Have you been there? ‎

The thing you always need to keep in mind is God hears your painful cries and He is already working in your life, and the ones you love. You must surrender your attempts to fix them and trust God as He works in the situation. Yes, your loved one may be so caught up in pride and wrongful living and you wonder if they will come back to their senses. It hurts when you see them going about life all wrong, but trust God and rely on Him to strengthen you. He has a plan for this troubling moment, so don't mess up His plan....if you do, it will bring further chaos. 

Maybe you have a wayward child or family member, making wrong choices. The pain and worry is overwhelming. Been there, so I can tell you...Pray about the situation and trust God. Trusting God is the only thing you have to hold onto in the moment. He will work through it and bring resolution His way. Trust Him in every battle and He will comfort your spirit, dry your tears and bring peace in unpeaceful times of life. 
God bless.

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