Wednesday, August 16, 2017

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Waiting, it's one thing I struggle with on a daily basis. Can you relate? Waiting in the drive thru line and it takes forever it seems to place your order, the receptionist says...have a seat in the waiting room and you sit for what seems hours. Everywhere you go, you will encounter times of wait. Why? Because you know something good will happen after that waiting period. 

If you've been a child of God for any amount of time, you have probably figured out God doesn't always respond instantly. There is a time of waiting until you see results of your prayer request. As frustrating as it may be, it's worth the wait when waiting on God to respond. Why? Because you know He will give you the best response. He loves His children and wants to help and bless them in life. When you lift up your request, He takes it and makes something awesome....far more sweeter than you could have imagined. 

Are you currently sitting in God's waiting room? Have patience my friend, He is preparing the way to respond in the best possible way. Trust me, after 50 years of life I have seen God take a simple request and turn it into something special. He will do the same for you. Be patient, continue to pray during the wait period and keep your eyes open to His hand working in the situation and by all means, thank Him along the way. Your request is next, be patient! God bless.

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