Thursday, August 10, 2017

   "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness."
John 12:46

Picture this, a mom, dad and child, all dressed up in nice clothes, preparing to have family pictures taken. As the family walks down a short path to the most photogenic place, the child spots a mud hole, full of standing water, he jumps in with both feet, splattering muddy water all over himself and his parents. The parents stress level just doubled. Has this happened before, you are drawn to mud puddles and given the opportunity, they will jump into the next one they see. 

As Christians, we are journeying to the most photogenic place in life...Heaven. Satan provides mud puddles of sin in our life and constantly entices us to jump in. Will you do it? Our human, fleshly nature wants to jump in and waller around in it. When we do, we splatter the effects of sin onto us and those around us. As one in the "body of Christ" we need to always steer clear of those sinful mud puddles. Tempting as they are, the effects of jumping into sin dirty up our white attire, given to us through Christ.    

The best way to avoid the temptation is to hold Christ's hand every day. He matches the strength of his grip with yours. So as you approach a new mud puddle of sin, He grips your hand tighter so you won't jump. 

Seek out God daily and ask Him to give you strength to withstand the temptation to leap into sinful pleasures. He will do it! Trust Him today, walk in obedience and preserve the beautiful clean garment He has provided you at His expense. Steer clear of the mud puddle of sin! 
God bless.

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