Saturday, August 26, 2017

Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 
John 16:32

Just prior to Jesus arrest, persecution and death, He told His disciples they would scatter, leaving Him all alone because they would be afraid to be associated with Him. 
As you read the following pages, you see His prediction was right. Yet Jesus had a calm about Him. He knew the very purpose for His existence was this moment of personal sacrifice to save all mankind. He knew God His Father was with Him. Because of that confidence, He willingly moved forward with God's will and purpose. 

As a child of God, you have a will and purpose, marked out by God, specific to you. He has provided you certain talents and abilities to carry on His plan to reach the lost and show the love of Christ to the unloved. Sometimes you look around and feel like you are the only one serving Him. Remember Jesus words....The Father is with Me! He is with you as well. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. When everyone else has left your side, you can count on God to be there with you every step of service to Him. 

Keep the faith, keep serving, you are not alone! Some of the greatest works of God have been accomplished through one person....ask Jesus, He'll tell you all about the power of one willing soul! Serve Him with God and see the world around you change! Keep serving! 
God bless.

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