Monday, August 28, 2017

Watch, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. 
1 Corinthians 16:13

A while back I helped a friend make repairs to an old fence that lined a pasture which would be home to a herd of his cows. There were stretches of fence that needed new fence post, so we dug deep holes and packed each post firmly in the ground. The deeper and more packed in, meant the fence would have plenty of support to stay up for years and years. 

As Christians we should be like fence post. Firmly dug in to God's word so we won't be swayed by pressures of life and false teachings. A fence post never moves from its position and neither should we in our beliefs to Godly living. Cows oftentimes lean on a post to scratch its back, we too should be available for fellow believers to lean on in times of need. And a fence post never rots, as it's sealed with a wood preservative. As Christians, we are sealed with the blood of Christ...our faith will last through all should our service to the Lord...never stop serving Him. 

As a child of God, would you consider yourself a "fence post Christian"? If not, pray and ask God to help you dig deeper in His word, strengthen you so you can be a spiritual stronghold in your church and family. We need more fence post Christians, especially in this time when people are changing God's word to fit their lifestyle of sin. Stand firm, strong and never waiver in your faith. Are you a fence post for Christ? Have a blessed day.

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