Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

If you've ever watched many war movies, you see the ground troops fighting the enemy, maneuvering around in hopes of advancing forward. At some point though, the ground troops meet an opposing force that appears to be stronger than themselves....thats when they radio in for air support. When the planes arrive, you see the soldiers ducking down to take cover, as the airplanes bombard the enemy with heavy artillery. Once their fury of ammunition is unleashed, they find the enemy defeated, and the troops can continue their advancement. 

As children of God we face an enemy that is stronger than us and has an artillery of weapons designed to bring us grief and heartache...with feelings of defeat. At times it seems to be unfair that our enemy is so vicious. His goal is to make you question God's faithfulness and goodness. If He can get you to doubt and question God, then you can be easily defeated. 

BUT, in the heat of the battle, that's when you need to call on your spiritual air support, God himself. When you  acknowledge your strength is weak and see defeat on the horizon, you can call on God to help conquer the enemy so you can advance forward in life. Here lately I have felt a barage of flaming arrows from Satan coming at me and I have felt so weakened. But, on my knees and calling out to God, He picked me up and made a way for me to face another day. The struggle is real. We weren't promised an easy life. We have to always surrender our personal pride and say "God I can't do this on my own". He will provide all the air support you need. 

Are you advancing or seeking shelter in today's battles? Humble yourself, call upon the Lord for help and He will respond quickly and stronger than anything Satan can launch your way. God is our defense, our shield and our comforter. Lean on Him daily as you battle the enemy. 
Have a blessed day friend.

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