Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

There are days when I look ahead, knowing the challenges that I will face, and I fear them...just wanting to stay home and seek shelter in the confines of my happy place. Ever been there? We know that life doesn't stop and neither the struggles that come upon us from out of nowhere. I've found as you get older it's like swimming upstream....it can be tiring and the pressure never stops. 

But, as a child of God, we have His Holy Spirit that keeps us going, sustaining us throughout the day and providing sound wisdom when we face choices. From His perspective, He sees what's ahead and will help you navigate safely through the maze of life. Trust Him in all matters and have. the confidence, knowing that nothing we face is bigger than our Lord and Savior‎

What's facing you today? Do the challenges seem to stand over you? They can if you allow them, OR, you can give them up to God and watch Him work in a special way to overcome and become victorious in every battle. 

Walk in confidence knowing your God is bigger than anything you'll ever face. Trust Him always and never give up. God bless. ‎

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