Saturday, August 19, 2017

Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds. Colossians 3:9

One of my favorite things is a Keurig coffee maker. Just slip in your flavor of choice, hit the button and presto...flavored coffee or a special beverage. Every now and then I'll mix it up and change a flavor. Sometimes what I get is bitter and doesn't taste well. Then I have to suffer thru the remaining pods I bought. Overall it's a great invention and the choice of flavor is mine. 

One issue so many have is the sin of lying. A lie is something untruthful, told to either try to protect your reputation, hide some truth or avoid punishment. Lying is not good and can easily turn into a habit. So how can one avoid lying? By being selective in life, choosing the right things in life...your friendships, employment, means for earning money and guarding your conversations. When you choose activities or relationships that are outside God's will, you will be prone to lie to cover up your wrongful ways.

Stop lying before it has an opportunity to bloom into a habit. Walk in total obedience to the Lord so you won't have opportunities to lie, hiding your darker side. When you walk towards the light, there will be no darkness for sin to hide. Stay right, stay true, stay in line with God and the truth will be one of your virtues! Walk in truth today friend. God bless.  

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