Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Protect your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

If you've ever been to the doctor or visited someone in the hospital, you will most likely saw a machine that monitors a person's heart. If it's beating, it will show an upward mark on the EKG screen. If dead, you will see a flat line with no activity. 

What if God were to monitor your heart with regards to your relationship with Him. Would He see an upward mark every now and then....indicating a prayer was said, good deed done for someone else or time of bible study? Or, would there be a lot of activity...indicating your desire to please God throughout the day? Hopefully the screen would indicate a lot of positive marks. 

Sadly, when we sin, the monitor would show a flat line. When you sin, you become dead in sin. God sees no life in a person who commits sin, especially willful and purposeful sin. If you find it easy to sin and justify your disobedience, friend you are flat lined and God can't do anything for you. 

As scripture says...protect your heart. Whatever you allow in your life impacts your heart. What you do, where you go, what you read and listen to all impacts the health of your heart and life. Nourish your heart with Godly and righteous things and your heart beat for God will be strong and live into eternity. 

Are you flat lined or alive in Christ. Ask God to check your heart and show you the things you need to do to keep it healthy for His glory and service. 
God bless.

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