Friday, August 11, 2017

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work."
Revelation 22:12

School has just started. We all need to pray for our children and the teachers who have the responsibility to instruct them throughout the year. What better time than now to remind students that "honors day" will come at the end of the year. It's a day of recognition for student's hard work and achievements. Most kids, and all parents, are excited when they hear their name called out to receive special recognition. Parents....encourage your kids to do well....their reward awaits them at the end of the school year. 

For the child of God, we have a special reward that awaits us in Heaven. Our hard works and great accomplishments, in our walk with the Lord, will not go unrecognized. Knowing this, we should live each day serving the Lord, putting aside our own agenda and allow God to fill it with His will for our life. He has special projects and task that align perfectly with the talents and abilities He has given you. Are you putting them to good use? 

Your reward will be received with honors one day. Although it may seem like a lifetime away, it is coming and our Master has the list of names ready to call out to be recognized for those who have done the hard work...serving the Lord. What will He reward you with on that special honors day? You have the opportunity to excel NOW....serve Him unconditionally and see those recognition crowns grow in size! Serve Him daily friend. God bless.

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