Friday, August 4, 2017

The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:25

Here in the last week I have joined the ranks of my fellow family members and friends as we take care of my grandmother and her transition from living 98 years in a home to a nursing home facility. I see the labor of love from my mother, who has exhausted everything in herself, including her health to care for the one who has cared for her since birth. Putting her life "on hold" has been the case for many years now. My grandmother is beyond blessed to have a loving daughter who has given her the best care possible. 

Today's verse speaks volumes of being a generous person. Not only in financial resources, but through acts of kindness and expressions of love....even at times when your body is tired and ready to give up, even at times when the receiver of your generosity shows no signs of gratitude and speaks harshly in response. It takes a generous spirit to endure and keep giving when nothing is returned. My mother has been the finest example of this generous soul and spirit. I am so blessed to see living proof of generosity and love through my mom's commitment to care for her mother. 

There will come a time in your life when "self" must be put aside and you will be required to give unconditionally and go that extra mile to help a loved one. Are you equipped for that journey? Like my mom does daily, pray for God to sustain you and help you maintain the right mindset. He will do it if you lean on Him. There is no way my mother could have done all she has accomplished over these years without God's strength, support and His unconditional love. Go the extra mile for others and see your well of life refill with God's blessings ten-fold. Reach out and help someone today. God bless.

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